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Raman scattering and photoluminescence investigation of YBO3Eu under high temperature and high pressure |
中国科学技术大学 |
宋文申,黄高兴宇,代如成,王中平,张增明 |
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Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Low-Temperature Processed Indium Oxide Electron Selective Layers |
武汉大学 |
秦敏超,马俊杰,柯维俊,秦平力,雷红伟,陶洪,郑小璐,熊良斌,刘琴,陈志亮,鲁军政,杨光,方国家 |
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Experimental distinction of Autler-Townes splitting from electromagnetically induced transparency using coupled mechanical oscillators system |
北京邮电大学 |
刘京亮,肖井华,杨胡江 |
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Extracting Complex Refractive Index from Polycrystalline Glucose with Self-Referenced Method for Terahertz Time Domain Reflection Spectroscopy |
北京师范大学 |
张钰,张林,孙萍,何荧峰,邹韵,邓玉强 |
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Substitution of Ni for Fe in superconducting Fe0.98Te0.5Se0.5 depresses the normal-state conductivity but not the magnetic spectral weight |
南京大学 |
王靖珲,钟瑞丹,李世超,甘远,温锦生 |
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二维锌枝晶分形结构的生长及数值模拟 |
哈尔滨工业大学(威海) |
曾传昌,冯光曦,杨健华,孙正和,王强 |
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Experimental_observation_of_solitary_waves |
北京理工大学 |
朱常青,史庆藩 |
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Hysteresis in the Phase Transition of Chocolate |
电子科技大学 |
任瑞龙,逯群峰,林思华,董笑妍,付浩,邬劭轶,吴明和,滕保华 |